Beats scrolling through a regular calendar
New events can be added and old ones deleted. Some events like the Roadside Cleanup, Maytown Coffee, Adopt a Road, etc. are scheduled as needed.
JULY 3 Sunday 3-10pm Lacey Fireworks at Rainier Vista Community Park off Ruddell. Stickers on children and talk about Lions with people. POC: Frankie Sokso
JULY 5 Board Meeting 6:30pm—note new time (was 6pm). First meeting of the new Lions year at LFD3
JULY 9 Sat 8:45am Flags Over Lacey – down (Decided to leave flags up until Sept)
JULY 21 Thurs 9-11:30 Foodbank Whse Packaging after mtg (2260 Mottman Rd, Oly) POC: Lyell Clark
JULY 30 12:30-3pm MD19C Picnic & Banner Passing at Dave Risley’s home in Poulsbo POC: Donna Murr or Secretary Joel
AUG 18 Thurs 9-11:30 Foodbank Whse Packaging after mtg (2260 Mottman Rd, Oly) POC: Lyell Clark
SEPT 9 Fri 11-1pm FIRST RESPONDERS DAY & GOVERNOR’S PROCLAMATION at Fire District 3 offices–cake and chili feed. POC: John Christiansen
SEPT 10 Sat 8:45am Flags Over Lacey – DOWN meet at City of Lacey offices parking lot for help by the military. POC: Pat Bucknell and Mike Ragan
SEP 15 Thurs 9-11:30 Foodbank Whse Packaging after mtg (2260 Mottman Rd, Oly) POC: Lyell Clark
SEPT–OCT Apple Sales fundraiser POC: Mike Ragan
OCT TBA Sat 4-8pm SPAGHETTI BINGO at the Lacey Senior Center, 6757 Pacific Ave, Lacey
OCT 20 Thurs 9-11:30 Foodbank Whse Packaging after mtg (2260 Mottman Rd, Oly) POC: Lyell Clark
OCT – NOV Dictionary Project: dictionaries for Third Graders. POC: Paul Conroy
NOV 17 Thurs 9-11:30 Foodbank Whse Packaging after mtg (2260 Mottman Rd, Oly) POC: Lyell Clark
NOV 19 Charter Night dinner at Indian Summer, Awards for Melvin Jones Fellowship, Lion of Year, Outstanding Lions attendance tabs, and Silent Auction. POC: Peggy and Frankie
NOV-DEC 8 Holiday Coffee, Chocolate fundraiser (no Chai this year) with Olympic Coffee Rosters
Dec 1 and 8 Jerry’s Kids pass-the-hat for families in need at Pleasant Forest Elementary School. This year they are helping 62 families with 120 kids. POC: Jan Goebel
DEC 10 collect gifts, hand out Sun, Dec 11 Lacey Fire District 3 Christmas gifts for families in need. POC: Frankie and Kevin
DEC 10 Sat 9-10am 11-12pm Santa Brunch at Lacey Community Center. We help serve meals to needy families POC: Frankie
DEC 13 and 14 Salvation Army Bell Ringing at Lacey Fred Meyer.
DEC 14 Install wheelchair ramp in Olympia
DEC 15 Thurs 9-11:30 Foodbank Whse Packaging after mtg (2260 Mottman Rd, Oly) POC: Lyell Clark
DEC 22 & 29 no Thurs meetings
JAN 3, Tues, 6:30pm first board meeting of the New Year :: 1231 Franz Street SE, Lacey
JAN 5, Thurs 730am first meeting of the New Year
JAN 14, Sat 4-7pm Christmas/New Years Potluck & Gift Exchange @ the Bucknell’s.
JAN 19 Thurs 9-11:30 Foodbank Whse Packaging after mtg (2260 Mottman Rd, Oly) POC: Lyell Clark
FEB 11, Sat 4-7pm Middle of Winter Annual? Bring a Guest Chili Cook-Off at the Lacey Senior Center — 6757 Pacific Ave, Lacey POC: Linda White
FEB TBA Golf tournament committee start meeting (Let Joel know if you want to be on this committee)
FEB 16 Thurs 9-11:30 Foodbank Whse Packaging after mtg (2260 Mottman Rd, Oly) after mtg. POC: Lyell Clark
MAR TBA Strategic Planning Meeting
MAR 16 Thurs 9-11:30 Foodbank Whse Packaging after mtg (2260 Mottman Rd, Oly) POC: Lyell Clark
MAY 5-6 Fri & Sat–White Cane Days fundraiser–only two days at Grocery Outlet (Marvin Rd and Martin Way). With these funds, the goal is to help visually-impaired children and adults in the Pacific Northwest regain their sight and self-reliance.
MAY 27 Sat 8:30am Flags Over Lacey – UP volunteers meet @ Lacey Police and City Offices (420 College St)
MAY 18 Thurs 9-11:30 Foodbank Whse Packaging after mtg (2260 Mottman Rd, Oly) POC: Lyell Clark
MAY 21 Sun 8th Annual Charity Golf Tournament which benefits Lions Project New Hope NW, Mary Bridge Children’s Cancer Fund for Families, Scholarships, and others. Tee off 1:00pm. Volunteers arrive 11am. See HOME PAGE for flyers.
JUN 15 Thurs 9-11:30 Foodbank Wrhse Packaging after mtg (2260 Mottman Rd, Oly) POC: Lyell Clark
JUNE TBA INSTALLATION BANQUET 5pm social, 5:30 meal at _____________
Silent auction. Dress business casual. New officers installed and probably a game or two. POC: Frankie Sokso
8 July Sat FLAGS DOWN volunteers meet @ Lacey Police and City Offices (420 College St)
JULY 11 Board Meeting (not meeting on usual first Tues — July 4th)
July 20 Thurs 9-11:30 Foodbank Wrhse Packaging after mtg (2260 Mottman Rd, Oly) POC: Lyell Clark
JULY 28-30 Maytown Coffee Fundraiser. Chair: Jim Perrou
2 Sept Sat Flags UP volunteers meet @ Lacey Police and City Offices (420 College St)
16 Sept Sat Flags DOWN volunteers meet @ Lacey Police City Offices (420 College St)
JULY 10, 8:45am Flags Over Lacey Flags down Saturday morning. Meet at Lacey City Hall. POC: Pat Bucknell
JULY 15 Thurs 9-11:30am Thurston County Foodbank repackaging POC: Lyell Clark
JULY 17, 12:30-4pm MD19C Picnic & Banner Passing at PDG Dave Risley’s home 23974 Dove Lane NW, Poulsbo. RSVP: PDG Mariynn Danby [email protected] $5 cash at the door. POC: Joel
CANCELLED AUG first weekend Thurston County Fair fundraiser. We have a booth for the quilt raffle, donations, and to explain Sunrise Lions programs and Lions Project New Hope.
MID-AUGUST Peach Sales Fundraiser $30 for a 25 lb box (see home page for details)
SEPT 4 Sat 8:45am at City of Lacey offices parkling lot. American Flags Up for Labor Day POC: Pat Bucknell
SEPT 10 Friday 11am FIRST RESPONDERS DAY & GOVERNOR’S PROCLAMATION at Fire District 3 offices–cake and chili feed. POC: John Christiansen
SEPT 11 Sat 8:45am at City of Lacey offices parking lot. American Flags down. POC: Pat Bucknell
SEPT 30 Thurs 7:30am 19C District Governor Luis Montes-Gonzalez visits our club.
SEPT–OCT Apple Sales fundraiser POC: Mike Ragan
OCT 9, Sat 4-8pm SPAGHETTI BINGO at the Lacey Senior Center, 6757 Pacific Ave, Lacey. For more information, see the announcement on the home page.
NOV 20 Charter Night Dinner, Awards for Melvin Jones Fellowship, Lion of Year, Attendance Tabs, and Silent Auction
NOV Dictionary Project: dictionaries for Third Graders. POC: Paul Conroy
NOV-DEC 10 Jerry’s Kids fundrasier POC: Jan Goebel
NOV-DEC 10 Holiday Coffee, Chocolate, Chai fundraiser with Olympic Coffee Rosters
DEC 4 Wheelchair Ramp Installation
DEC Salvation Army Bell Ringing at Lacey Fred Meyer.
DEC 11 Sat Santa Brunch at Lacey Community Center. We help serve meals to needy families POC: Frankie
DEC 11 Wheelchair Ramp Installation
DEC 12 Lacey Fire District 3 Christmas gifts for families in need. Ten club volunteers, so ten families this year. POC: Frankie and Kevin
Dec 16 Thurs 7:30 via zoom club members Stowe Dailey and Karen Taylor Good–from Tennessee–present the StoweGood Musical Concert.
DEC 18 4:30pm Sunrise Lions Christmas Party at Bucknells
DEC 23 & 30 no Thurs meetings
JAN 20 Thurs 9-11:30 Foodbank Wrhse Packaging after mtg (2260 Mottman Rd, Oly) POC: Lyell Clark
FEB TBA Golf tournament committee start meeting weekly
FEB 17 Thurs 9-11:30 Foodbank Whse Packaging after mtg (2260 Mottman Rd, Oly) after mtg. POC: Lyell Clark
MAR TBA Strategic Planning Meeting – zoom link sent to members.
MAR 17 Thurs 9-11:30 Foodbank Wrhse Packaging after mtg (2260 Mottman Rd, Oly) POC: Lyell Clark
MAR 5th Sat 9am Roadside Cleanup. POC: John Christiansen 360-493-1440
APR 9 Sat 10am All Kids Win packing party–Columbia Bank, 665 Woodland Square Loop SE POC: Roberta Fender
APR 14 start Thursday morning meetings at Capital Christian Center 4431 Martin Way E.
APR 21 Thurs 9-11:30 Foodbank Wrhse Packaging after mtg (2260 Mottman Rd, Oly) POC: Lyell Clark
MAY 6-7 Fri & Sat–White Cane Days fundraiser–only two days at Grocery Outlet (Marvin Rd and Martin Way). With these funds, the goal is to help visually-impaired children and adults in the Pacific Northwest regain their sight and self-reliance. POC: Linda Bucknell
MAY 7 Sat 8:30am Flags Over Lacey @ Lacey City Offices (420 College St) POC: Pat Bucknell
MAY 15 Sun 8th Annual Charity Golf Tournament which benefits Lions Project New Hope NW, Mary Bridge Children’s Cancer Fund for Families, Scholarships, and others. Tee off 1:00pm. Volunteers arrive 11am.
MAY 19 Thurs 9-11:30 Foodbank Wrhse Packaging after mtg (2260 Mottman Rd, Oly) POC: Lyell Clark
MAY 21-22 Sat & Sun LACEY CITY FUN FAIR. Beanbag toss for kids, while we share about Lions. POC: Frankie
JUN 16 Thurs 9-11:30 Foodbank Wrhse Packaging after mtg (2260 Mottman Rd, Oly) POC: Lyell Clark
JUNE 25 INSTALLATION BANQUET 5pm social, 5:30 meal at Hawks Prairie Golf Course – 8383 Vicwood Ln NE, Lacey, WA. Silent auction. 24 members attended. We ate steak and salmon with the fixin’s. Dave installed the new officers and we played a card game. See home page or photo gallery page for images.